About VA Travel Tips & Local Things to Do

We’re a busy family of 4 (2 of 4 pictured below) who live, work and play in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Because we live in the heart of it all, we’re uniquely positioned to share it all with you! From the best places to eat, activities to do in the winter in Virginia, to mini weekend getaways in Charlottesville and Roanoke, we’re spilling it all so that you can make the most of your time spent in Virginia.
Things we love:
- expensive food (we’re food snobs)
- Busch Gardens
- the beach
- sailing on the York River
- shopping for anything
- collecting souvenirs from our outings- and not the touristy ones
- reading
- playing Blokus
- puzzles
- eating ice cream in downtown Williamsburg
- coffee or die
- I also blog at stampinfool.com and aprilwaltripinteriors.com

We’re lucky to live in such a richly historical place with Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown all nearby. A quick drive and you’re at the beach or shopping in Richmond.
Take a 2-3 hour drive to Washington DC and explore the Smithsonian Museums, Annapolis Yacht Show, or Pickles Pub in Baltimore.